HIT d.d. Nova Gorica, Slovenia
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Photo: archive of the company Hit

Danilo Jejčič


Born in Ajdovščina in 1933, Jejčič studied at the School of Design and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, graduating in 1971. Initially, he taught art but went on to lead Pilon Gallery in Ajdovščina, where he made significant contributions, including fostering international collaborations. Danilo Jejčič played an active role in the development of the Pilon’s Friends art collection, curating numerous works from both Slovenian and Italian artists. This effort reflects the enduring relationships he has nurtured with Italian artists, even during less open political periods. He continues to live and work in Ajdovščina.

“Art can capture a moment, stop the passing of time, at least preserve memory. For most, this probably means nothing, but for some it means something!”


Jejčič focuses on the challenges of geometric abstraction, crafting compositions that begin with a premeditated vision of the beauty of pure forms. These works often feature a playful yet calculated dynamism, achieved through his intentional modular construction process. His art embodies a stark, modern poetics, reflecting the influence of a technicized age while affirming the artist’s role as a guide in interpreting such developments. Jejčič’s geometric abstractions emerged in the 1970s, aligning him with the Neoconstructivists. Geometric elements and their variations, coupled with a refined use of color, remain the central theme of his work. Even with the advent of modern digital tools for graphic production, Jejčič has remained committed to traditional color silkscreen printing. Photography has also become an integral part of his artistic practice, particularly in his Alpha and Omega series, where he incorporates photographic elements into his graphic process. Jejčič began exhibiting in the 1960s with group graphic shows. His first solo exhibition, shared with Nedeljko Pećanec, was held in Kranj and Koper in 1972. Since then, he has exhibited widely in Slovenia and internationally, including with the 2XGO artistic group and later with the Laboratorio 7 group alongside Italian artists. He has participated in over 45 international exhibitions. Jejčič is regarded as one of the prominent graphic artists from Primorska and one of the few from the Gorizia region included in contemporary Slovenian visual art. For over four decades, he has remained steadfast in his dedication to geometric abstraction, bridging modernist principles with the demands of contemporary art.

Rondo 4
16/50 | 1978 | original screen painting, paper
70 x 50 cm | paper: 86 x 60 cm

Sectioned fields
18/25 | 1980 | original screen painting, paper
67 x 48,5 cm | paper: 79 x 59 cm